How Can We Help Pass On African American History To Our Youth?

We’ve all seen it in the news or even in our communities. The discomfort that comes along with conversations about the telling of African American history. What does it mean for a young African American to lack exposure to the trials and triumphs of people who look like them?_With the opening of the African American…

The Parent Collective Part 3: Tell Them Who You Are!

This famous line from the very popular and highly successful movie Black Panther was a defining moment in the film. The lead character Prince T’Chala is facing what appears to be a humiliating defeat at the hands of a rival from a neighboring tribe. At the moment when it appears all is lost the Queen…


🤝 Consider joining forces with folks you know and share the wealth! You are bound to have items your child no longer uses or has outgrown from toys to clothing and more. _ Do a regular purge and see how many items you can collect that can be traded for items your child really needs….

How To Make Story Time Work Well For Young Children AND YOU TOO

As we celebrate Black History Month and the lives and legacies of icons like Dr. Martin Luther King, we have a marvelous opportunity to share the stories of historic figures with young children in a way that is accessible, meaningful and lasting. That mechanism is called read alouds with children’s picture books.  When you’re standing…

Parent Collective: Pool Those Resources!

If you’ve ever read the children’s story Stone Soup you understand the principle that no matter how little we may have individually, if we all add what we have together, it will be enough to go around.That same principle can be aptly applied to parents who join together to pool ideas, information and resources for…

Do You Need A Parent Collective?

🏝 Are you a preschool parent who feels like you’re marooned on Gilligan’s Island? _ 😩📝 Are you struggling to keep up with endless worksheets disguised as homework and stressing when your preschooler rebels? _ 😥 Do you find yourself unable to name one other parent in your child’s class? _ 📲 Do you wish…

Parent Power in Action

I came across a very interesting statistic the other day while researching the greatest concerns of preschool parents. While parents over all were concerned with issues like separation anxiety, transitions from home to school, their child’s abilities to get along and make friends, as well as academic expectations (in other words could they keep up),…